Stinging Nettles
Stinging Nettles have had a bad reputation in the past. If you've ever run across these in nature (literally), you'd understand just how they got that name.Stinging and itching. But this amazing plant has some of the best medicine on the planet! So let's put this bad reputation to rest and talk about Stinging Nettles good side.
Nettles are a pretty common plant in most of the northern hemisphere as well of other parts of the world like Africa and Australia.
Nutritionally Nettles are FANTASTIC! (They need to steamed or cooked before consumption due to their stinging nature.) Cook them as you would Spinach. They can also be consumed as tincture, dried as tea, decocted, powered and added to food or as a capsule. If you can get your hands on fresh Nettles, I highly recommend just steaming them and season to taste.
Here is a list of things that Stinging Nettles help with.
Overall body support, nose bleeds, most hemorrhages, seasonal allergies, increases urine production, eczema (when combine with Figwort and Burdock), arthritis, cleanses the blood, supports the liver and much more! It's high in Iron, vitamin C, flavonoids, aminos, calcium, potassium and salicylic acid.
So if you're feeling under the weather, go to nettles first! It will support your body overall as you treat whatever is ailing you and recover. This is definitely my first line of defense for treatment as well as overall consistent nourishment.